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School Board


Lori Lanter - President (Position #6)
 Corey Neill - Vice President  (Position #5)
Tabitha McRae – Position #1
Greg Smith - Position #2
Wade Madden – Position #3
Kelli Bottorff - Position #4
James Cormode – At-Large

Board of Education Policy Handbook

USD #377 Board Policy Handbook 2024-2025 – updated 8/19/2024

Board of Education Forms

BCAC-R Waiver of Notice

Request to Add an Agenda Item Form

Public Request for School Records Form

Your Current School Board       
Position #1:  Tabitha McRae, End of Term 2027
Position #2:  Greg Smith, End of Term 2027
Position #3:  Wade Madden, End of Term 2027

Position #4   Kelli Bottorff, End of Term 2025
Position #5   Corey Neill, End of Term 2025
Position #6  Lori Lanter, End of Term 2025
Member at Large:  James Cormode, End of Term 2027

The board consists of seven elected members with staggered election cycles every two years. 

Positions 1 & 4 represent the portion of Lancaster & Shannon Townships in Atchison County, the portion of Grasshopper lying North of the South edge of Township Fiveand that contiguous portion of Doniphan County which is in USD 377.

Positions 2 & 5 represent Walnut, Mt. Pleasant and Center Townships of Atchison County and that contiguous portion of Jefferson County which is in USD 377.

Positions 3 & 6 represent the portions of Kapioma and Benton townships in Atchison County, the portion of Grasshopper lying South of the South edge of Township Fiveand those contiguous portions of Jackson and Jefferson counties which are in USD 377.

The at-large position is filled from anywhere within the district.

Click Here for a printable version 

Map of Board Member Districts


Three positions on the USD #377 school board will be up for election in November 2025.  The open positions will be Position #4, held by Kelli Bottorff, Position #5, held by Corey Neill, and Position #6, held by Lori Lanter. 

Four positions on the USD #377 school board will be up for election in November 2027.  The open positions will be Position #1, held by Tabitha McRae, Position #2, held by Greg Smith, Position #3, held by Wade Madden and Member at Large, held by James Cormode.

School board members must be registered voters in the school district and cannot be an employee of the board on which they are a member. If board members are elected from certain areas of the district (rather than at-large), they must live in the area of the district from which they are seeking office. School board members serve staggered four-year terms, so the entire board is not up for election at the same time.

There are two ways to file as a candidate for election. The first is to pay a $5 filing fee to the county election officer of the county in which the district is located. A person may also become a candidate by filing a petition with the county election officer. The petition must contain signatures of 50 registered voters of the school district or of the geographic area from which the board member is to be elected.

No candidate may withdraw their candidacy after the filing deadline. 

District Calendar

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377 Community Facilities Use Calendar


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